Dog Trainer Harps on Vaccination, as Today Marks 2021 World Rabies Day.

As Nigeria joins the globe to mark 2021 world rabies day, an expert in training of dogs, Dr Chukwunazom Cyra Obi is advising people who aspires to rear dogs to make adequate provision for them to enjoy best services.
World Rabies Day is the first and only global day of action and awareness dedicated to rabies prevention. It is an opportunity to unite as a community – helping individuals, civil society, and governments to connect and share their work.
Obi, the Chairman of Trustlink Ventures in affiliation with Tex America investigative and security services incorporated, USA, said his establishment created a rapid response team to catch stray dogs in order to avert incidents that might lead to deaths from rabies infested dogs.

Cyra Obi

Speaking with National Watch on this year’s theme, rabies, facts, not fear, Mr Obi said that vaccination of dogs is very important, which prevents the dog, as well he urged the public not to entertain any fear about the ongoing covid 19 vaccination which is for the common good of all. 
To celebrate this milestone, this year’s theme focuses on facts about rabies and dispelling any myths or misconceptions.  In brief, the theme reminds us of key current global issues that also affect rabies elimination, namely:
Fake news and how this can negatively affect our rabies elimination efforts. Facts are the only way to beat fake news, so help to share accurate facts and ensure that decisions about rabies control in your country are based on the correct, and most up-to-date, information”.


He disclosed that the good development and accountability advocacy, GDAA an NGO was establishment by his office saddled with the responsibility of caring for dogs and has recorded huge successes within the period under review.
According to him, people who have dogs but couldn’t take care of them can employ their services to take care of them.
He warned that dog rabies is not curable but avoidable, adding that people can avoid rabies by making sure that their dogs are well taking care of, not allowing them to stray about and getting them vaccinated.
Dr Cyra Obi in his words, “when the rapid response team gets a distress call, will swing into action, catch the dog (s), give the dog chemical bath, vaccination and give the dog accommodation, to avoid infesting others”.
He added that in the case, where they could not catch the dog easily, they kill the dog and tell the press to report it.

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